Friday, January 20, 2017

Tips for Creating Your Perfect Living Space

When it comes to our homes, most of us want a space that truly shows off who we are. It may reflect our hobbies and interests, our line of work, or perhaps our family heritage, but in some way or another, as homeowners, we like to put our personalized touch on our home. It is these personal touches in design, décor and even architecture that make the walls of our house become a space we call home.

If you are new to design or perhaps have recently gotten the urge to customize your home, it can be somewhat overwhelming – but don’t panic. Instead, take a few minutes to bring in some design pros, as well as a professional contractor to help you determine what can – or cannot – be done with your space. By consulting with professionals, you can develop a plan based on the structural capabilities of your home, as well as its design potential.

For home remodeling in St Paul, you can rely on Titus Contracting. We can help with both the design and implementation of your project. As you begin the process of creating that perfect living space, here are some tips and ideas to consider:

  • Plan, plan, plan. This is absolutely the most important part of the process. Pay close attention to what the contractor tells you is possible with your space. Just because you want to take out a wall between the kitchen and living room, doesn’t mean you can, structurally. Once you know what type of structural changes can be made, it is safe to move ahead.
  • Be budget savvy. All home remodeling projects come with a price tag. Know what you can and can’t afford and be realistic with your expectations. Also, keep in mind that unforeseen things are sure to come up so have some cushion room in your budget to account for added expenses.
  • Love your kitchen. For many families, the kitchen is the heart of the home, so why not show off your personality with custom cabinetry? Whether it’s with unique wood designs, a custom-built table, inset shelving, bar, natural stone countertops, an unconventional paint pattern, or other features, the kitchen is a great space to show off your style.
  • Bring the outside in. Do you have a room that needs extra light? We can discuss adding a large picture window. Go a stop further by adding a decorative window seat, complete with shelves or a hidden storage area. Now, you’ll have have extra seating, storage and more light!
  • Don’t be afraid to think outside the box. Consider having custom furniture, bookshelves or other woodworking included to show off your style. There are many ways to put a fresh spin on a traditional space.
  • More than a washroom. Are you ready to stop thinking of your bathroom as just a necessary space in the home? We can turn your basic bathroom into a home spa with custom counters and cabinets, textured finishes, a Jacuzzi tub and more.
Designing the perfect living space is about finding what makes you happy and incorporating that in your home design. If you need help with more ideas or are ready to start your St Paul home remodeling process, Contact Titus Contracting.  

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